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Free Screening and Panel Discussion presented by the NAACP York County Branch

THE RIGHT TO READ – Film Screening & Panel Discussion

August 23, 2024
6:30 pm
Venue: Capitol Theatre
Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes
Price: FREE

The Right to Read is a documentary film that shares the stories of an activist, a teacher and two American families who fight to provide our youngest generation with the most foundational indicator of life-long success: the ability to read.

American reading levels have been far below grade-level for decades. According to the 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) results, 85% of Black students lack proficiency in reading skills and the 2023 PSSA scores for marginalized, black and brown students in the third grade in York County, PA, show that 70% are not proficient in reading. The Right to Read National Screening Program aspires to raise awareness of the importance of literacy as a civil right and garner support for state literacy standards and rates for students in Pennsylvania.

Directed by Jenny Mackenzie with LeVar Burton as an Executive Producer, this documentary reinforces the importance of literacy as a civil right and advances the growing movement to use evidence-based approaches to literacy instruction in classrooms across the U.S.

The NAACP is proud to embark on this crucial partnership with The Right to Read, spreading awareness of and inspiring action around our nation’s growing literacy epidemic. We will continue cultivating impactful partnerships like this one, ensuring that our young people receive the quality education they deserve.


Stay after the film screening for an engaging panel discussion and a presentation and learn more about local literacy initiatives.

Our panel features:

  • Dr. Andrea Berry-Brown, Superintendent of York City School District
  • Joel Gamble, Educator, Author, Former NFL Player
  • Kim Coleman-Miller, Educator, Author
  • Delores Penn, Educational Consultant

Moderated by Ky the Chemist

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