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April 27, 2024
7:30 pm
Venue: Strand Theatre


Concert Genre
Price: Tickets start at $39

Don’t miss the most popular and sought after big band in the world today for both concert and swing dance engagements. With its unique jazz sound, the Glenn Miller Orchestra, formed in 1956, is considered to be one of the greatest bands of all time.


Glenn Miller was an American big band founder, composer, arranger, trombone player. At the “dance band music “era, also called “swing era”, big bands needed musical parts for the musicians. At that time, Miller discovered a simple music formula that made his music distinguishable and broadly liked for its sound, simplicity, and rhythm. Miller chose a clarinet and tenor saxophone playing the melody together while the other saxophones provided harmony, with trumpets and trombones muted. In 1938, Miller formed his band that began breaking attendance records on the east coast. His romantic “Miller Sound” became so popular that from 1939 to 1943, Miller had 72 Top Ten records and 23 were #1 (more than Elvis or the Beatles had in their careers).

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