Late Spring (Banshun) tells the story of a widowed father who feels compelled to marry off his beloved only daughter. Eminent Ozu players Chishu Ryu and Setsuko Hara command this poignant tale of love and loss in postwar Japan, which remains as potent today as ever—and a strong justification for its maker’s inclusion in the pantheon of cinema’s greatest directors.
by Robert Delaney, Film Arts Programmer
In the long, rich history of Japanese cinema, Yasujiro Ozu is considered one of the finest enduring masters. His work is overflowing with sensitivity, empathy and a deep appreciation for the complexity of social dynamics. Ozu is known for his powerful family portraits, and Late Spring is a wonderful depiction of a father and daughter’s everyday life. Setsuko Hara, and mainstay in Ozu films, gives an incredible lead performance.
Image, Sound and Silence: An Art House Film Series
Art House Film is one of the most bold, dynamic and influential parts of cinema history. While its impact on filmmaking is significant, it is extremely broad, can be challenging to access, and may be difficult to know where to begin. This series—the first of its kind to be presented at the Appell Center—is designed as an introduction, opening the door for our audiences into the wide world of the Art House.
We will explore pivotal film movements like Iranian New Wave, French New Wave and Italian Neorealism. We will screen films across different eras, going back to the late 1920s and forward to the early 2000s. We will celebrate national film traditions from around the globe and filmmakers who have made far-reaching impressions on world cinema.
Whether you are completely new to these films or have seen them many times before, we hope to create a community around this series; encouraging audiences to share their thoughts through discussion following the full theatrical experience and sparking a continued sense of creative exploration.
Upcoming Films in this Series:
- Cléo from 5 to 7 (April 14)
- In the Mood for Love (May 5)
- Bicycle Thieves (June 9)
- The Passion of Joan of Arc (June 23)