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November 19, 2023
1:00 pm
Venue: The Studio


Recommended Age
14 and over
Price (per student)
$1 - $25
Areas of Interest
Duration: 2 hours
Age Range: 13 and up
Price: $15

Audition season is coming up! Whether you’re preparing for school musicals, District Band, or college auditions, the ability to prepare yourself mentally, arrive in the right headspace, and reaching a state of flow is invaluable.

In this masterclass, participants will:

  • Identify the most common mental and emotional problems that stop them and other young musicians like them in their tracks.
  • Develop plans for what must be done inside and outside of the practice room to improve individual and group performance.
  • Learn exercises that can be done every day to bring more joy, calm, and awareness to the music and one’s personal life. 

The masterclass will be led by Jose Johnson, a professional musician, author, educator, speaker, consultant, personal mastery coach, and entrepreneur. Jose is also an expert on mindfulness and peak performance techniques, and offers similar workshops across North America. He has been featured in numerous international publications for his work in the field. His goal is to give people the tools they need to change their lives by using an innovative and integrated approach that combines the yin and yang of ancient practices and modern science. He is the host of the podcast series “Trumpet Gurus Hang,” and is an endorsing artist for Vennture Mouthpieces, Warburton Musical Products, Barkley Microphones, and Robinson’s Remedies.

Participants should bring their instruments to the class, along with a selected audition piece.

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